Chapi Chapo & les petites

Chapi Chapo & Small Rain Music is a musical project created in 2003 by the Breton Patrice Elegoet. It is based on the use of old musical toys which ranks it in the category of "toy music". The musician indeed collects all types of toys, about 400, which can be used for the composition of his childish and melancholy music: bells, pianos Michel-sonne, music mills, musical saw, etc ...
Toy music is a musical style that can be found in the early eighteenth century but actually made its appearance in the 60s and 70s. The use of the toy as a full-fledged instrument brings a whole new array of new sounds and musical combinations and offers on stage a colorful show.
In June 2009, Chapi Chapo & the small rain music adapted his music to the stage and surround himself with musicians. In their two "Little Toy Factory" and "PoPoPolska" film concerts, musical toys give life to the heroes of Polish animated films and offer a real show where images and music meet to give life to a universe. poetic. This form of show, which allows the youngest spectators an introduction to the 7th art also pleases the greatest who can take full measure of the talent of these atypical artists and their musical toys.
Popopolska In China
Jun 01, 2016 Shenzhen Concert Hall
Aug 18, 2017 Qingdao Grand Theatre, Qingdao
Aug 19, 2017 Beijing Concert Hall, Beijing
Aug 20, 2017 Xi'an Concert Hall, Xi'an
Aug 25, 2017 Nanjing Arts Center, Nanjing
Aug 26, 2017 Nanjing Arts Center, Nanjing
Aug 27, 2017 Ningbo Culture & Arts Center, Ningbo
Sep 01, 2017 Performing Atrs Grand Theater, Guangzhou
Sep 02, 2017 Nanshan Arts Center, Shenzhen
Sep 03 ,2017 Shangcha Youth Theater, Changsha
Oct 20, 2018 Xinjiang Arts Theater, Urumqi
Oct 21, 2018 Xinjiang Arts Theater, Urumqi
Feb 07, 2019 Jiangsu Grand Theater, Nanjing
Feb 08, 2019 Jiangsu Grand Theater, Nanjing
Feb 09, 2019 Jiangsu Grand Theater, Nanjing
Feb 10, 2019 Jiangsu Grand Theater, Nanjing
Upcoming Tour (August 2019)
Nantong, Beijing, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Tianjin, Dalian, Chendu, Changsha, Wuhan